perito moreno glacier….fin del mundo….

24 01 2010

imagine yourself looking out and seeing a vast glacier that is 19 miles in length, 3 miles wide, and stands 240 feet tall over the water. well we did!! it was called the perito moreno glacier. from the town el calafate we took a day tour to los glaciares national park to see it. even though the sun was not out (it is patagonia) the glacier was an amazing site.

that is it

yes it is summer

look at the boat on the right

why to keep your camera on

after our time in el calafate we took a flight with lade. an airlines run by the argentinan military to ushuaia. the plane was a smaller prop plane that would get pushed around by the wind a little. do remember that patagonia has some of the strongest winds in the world. julie only death grabbed fletcher twice but asked “is this normal?” about 15 times. she was pretty excited when we landed.

a good plane for "normal weather" but welcome to patagonia

we are currently in ushuaia, argentina. they call this place “fin del mundo” or end of the world because it is the southern most city in the world. if you were to look at a map we are at the very southern tip of south america. in ushuaia we have been doing a number of day hikes as well as a trip into tierra del fuego national park.

typical night in ushuaia

julie chilin in tierra del fuego

looking down at ushuaia

not a bad day

southern patagonia

going off the trail

it is the place where the majority of ships leave to go to antarctica. for we can’t wait because in two days  we are going to get on board akademik ioffe with one ocean expeditions for our chance to see the white continent.

this is our ship to antarctica



One response

25 01 2010
Diane Groff

AMAZING!!!!! The glacier is awesome, stunning, truly a wonder!!!! Beautiful!!!
Breathtaking!!! What an experience!!! The ship looks sturdy – this is good…want you to be safe sailing to Antarctica!!! You guys are all bundled up….a chilly summer by the glacier??? How did it feel to be at the southern most tip of land in the world???? Did you have a sense of being at that particular point??? Most of all, I am so happy to see that you guys are smiling and having fun!!!! Keep the photos coming….Mom loves them!!! Take good care – I wish you a safe and comfortable crossing to Antarctica!! love, Mom

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