Torres del Paine

12 02 2010

after our amazing antarctic adventure (see below for details), we headed to puerto natales, the gateway to torres del paine national park. we had the intention of camping and hiking for a couple days along the famous W circuit…however we cut our trip short a bit. lucky for us, the day we drove into the part we were able to see the 2 torres clearly! we decided to head to the other side of the park, though, to start our trek from the western side with glacier grey. we had a wonderful day hiking and camping…until the FRONT came in! seriously, we have never heard and felt wind and rain as strong as in patagonia. it felt as though wind was coming in hard from all directions including the ground! we were hanging on for dear life in our tent, unable to get a wink of sleep due to all the chaos right outside our tent. we were even visited by a little mouse searching for a way into our tent – that provided some entertainment for a couple hours as we laid wide-eyed in our mummy sacks for most of the night.  every time we would hear the mouse scurrying around, it was race to turn on our headlamps and pinpoint his location. julie absolutely loved this game (not!) anyway, the next morning we decided (due to multiple factors, like lack of sleep, weather, and some nagging ailments) that it would be best to head back to town and catch some zzzz´z before heading off to our next adventure!

yay for sunny weather in patagonia!

summer in patagonia...look at all those packs on the catamaran!

lago grey and glaciar grey in the distance

the towers

we have since made our way up to puerto mont, chile. today we have rented a car to explore the lake district region for the next week or so. stay tuned!



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